WWDC 2018 Scholarship Application

For the 2018 WWDC Scholarship application, Apple wanted applicants to create a creative Swift playground with either Xcode or Swift Playgrounds for iPad that demonstrates their technical ability and can be experienced in three minutes or less. Similar to the 2016 competition, the 2018 application asked applicants about the technology they used in their playgrounds and optionally asked about what applicants have done or will do to spread their knowledge of computer science.

Since I’m quite an aviation geek, I decided to revolve my playground around an aviation concept, great circle routes (geodesics). A great circle route is the shortest point between any two points on earth when accounting for the curvature of the globe. My playground lets you type in any two IATA airport codes (like JFK and LAX) and it will draw the great circle route and have an airplane fly the route while your screen follows it. When you land, the it speaks a welcome message in the local language and dialect.

You can find my application on Github here, and screenshots from the playground below. ↓